THE EST CRASH BUFFER - Information and References on the EST Crash Buffers G1, R1 and X1

Information and References

Voith Maxima 30CC and 40CC

Voith Maxima operated by Locon, seen here during
container handling at the seaport of Kiel
(Photo: Bertholdt Hertzfeldt, added 04.03.2010).

(Photo: Bertholdt Hertzfeldt, added 04.03.2010).

Voith Maxima 30CC, InnoTrans 2008, Berlin
(Photo: EST, added 25.03.2009).

(Photo: EST, added 25.03.2009).

(Photo: EST, added 25.03.2009).

EST Deformation System Duplex G2.A2, consisting of
an EST Supra Buffer type G2-100 MC and an Absorberblock type A2-100 M
(Photo: EST, added 25.03.2009).

Draw gear and draw hook guide supplied through EST
(Photo: EST, added 25.03.2009).

A Voith Maxima locomotive during final assembly
in the Voith Turbo Lokomotivtechnik works in Kiel, 24.10.2007
(Photo: Voith Turbo, added 18.01.2008).

Approval test runs with the Voith Maxima 40CC on the Geislinger Steige
hill ramp. The photo shows the locomotive in Westerstetten on 22.08.2007
(Photo: Voith Turbo, added 18.01.2008).

Voith Maxima 40CC, InnoTrans 2006, Berlin
(Photo: EST, added 26.09.2006).

(Photo: EST, added 26.09.2006).

(Photo: EST, added 26.09.2006).

The Voith Maxima locomotive is equipped with the EST Deformation System Duplex G2.A2
(Photo: EST, added 26.09.2006).

(Photo: EST, added 26.09.2006).

(Photo: EST, added 26.09.2006).

(Photo: EST, added 26.09.2006).

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