THE EST CRASH BUFFER - Information and References on the EST Crash Buffers G1, R1 and X1

Information and References

ÖBB RoLa Rolling road low-loader wagons

RoLa ("Rolling Road" train) Wörgl (Österreich) - Trento (Italien) headed for the Brenner Alpine pass,
between Kundl and Brixlegg, Tyrol.
In 2011, ÖBB retrofitted the headstock of the low-loader wagons
for more than 100 RoLa trains with EST Crash Buffers type G1-200 S
(Photo: EST, added 24.05.2012).

RoLa logistics terminal in Wörgl, Tyrol.
The Wörgl (Austria) - Trento (Italy) RoLa train is being loaded
(Photo: EST, added 24.05.2012).

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