THE EST CRASH BUFFER - Information and References on the EST Crash Buffers G1, R1 and X1

Information and References

DB / Railion BR 185.2

Railion 185 252 with a container freight train in Oberwesel
(Photo: Tobias Mayerle, added 11.08.2008).

Railion 185 282 in Karlsruhe-Hagsfeld
(Photo: Tobias Mayerle, added 11.08.2008).

Railion 185 299-5
(Photo: Rolf Alberts, added 22.10.2007).

(Photo: Rolf Alberts, added 22.10.2007).

Railion 185 245 in Minden
(Photo: Tobias Mayerle, added 10.08.2007).

DB/Railion 185 300-1 am 26.07.2007 im Bw Mannheim
(Photo: EST, added 13.08.2007).

(Photo: EST, added 13.08.2007).

Railion/DB Logistics 185 259 near Eimeldingen on 18.10.2006
(Photo: Daniel Schärer, added 29.10.2006).

185 226 passes Offenburg with a freight train, 31.05.2006
(Photo:, Yannick Hauser, added 09.09.2006).

DB/Railion 185 205-2 and 185 222-7 at Mannheim depot in July 2005
(Photo: EST, added 08.07.2005).

EST deformation system Duplex G1.A1
(Photo: EST, added 08.07.2005).

(Photo: EST, added 08.07.2005).

(Photo: EST, added 08.07.2005).

DB/Railion 185 208-6 in Leipzig Engelsdorf on 21.05.2004
(Photo: Eisenbahn- und Straßenbahnbilder aus Leipzig und Umgebung,
Oliver Wadewitz, added 22.05.2005).

Presentation of the first DB Class 185.2 at the Bombardier factory in Kassel on 14.01.2005.
(Photo:, Wolfram Wittsiepe, added 19.01.2005).

Class 185 201 on an approval drive in Fulda on 07.01.2005.
(Photo:, Dominik Steffen, added 19.01.2005).

Integral whole vehicle crash concept with protected driver's cabin, developed
in cooperation of Bombardier and EST. InnoTrans 2004, Berlin, September 2004
(Photo: EST, added 25.10.2004).

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